We are constantly adding, reviewing, and removing announcements that have passed on or have been cancelled. That is why, encourage everyone to occasionally revisit this announcement page to stay up to date on all church activities.
Most images have a function when pressed or clicked on to redirect you to a registration form or even directions on how to get to such an event. Try it out!
Every Saturday morning, we live stream our service through our YouTube channel for those who cannot make it. Feel free to join us every morning and subscribe to our channel!
Select image below to be taken directly to our Sabbath live stream.
A 12-week financial seminar hosted by our very own Laurelwood Church Clerk Marina Ream will be ongoing every third Tuesday through Zoom. The next seminar is on March 11th at 7:00pm. The material used for these financial seminars are provided by the Seventh-day Adventist Church North America Division and its Stewardship Department.
For more information regarding this event please contact Marina Ream at 610-216-7420 or visit https://www.nadstewardship.org/videos/faith-and-finance-2/
Select image below to be taken directly to this Zoom meeting.
The Laurelwood Church will have a business meeting on February 17th. We ask all Laurelwood directors to arrive on time and encourage all baptized members to show up for such Business Church Meeting on time.
Select image below to start your drive using Google Maps.
Our Laurelwood Youth will join the Camden Zone Youth and Young Adult Ministries in celebration of Global Youth Day on Sabbath March 15th, at the Willingboro SDA Church beginning with Worship Service at 11am. The Community Outreach Project will be held in Camden in the afternoon.
This year there will be a Winter Coat/Clothing and Personal Care Supplies drive as the youth will pack and distribute hygiene kits to the needy. More details about how you can participate and donate will be shared later. Please see our Youth Director Andrew for more information.
Every Wednesday at 7pm, our church districts meet for prayer through Zoom. Friends are welcome! Text 856-345-9128 for passcode.
Select image below to enter this Zoom meeting.
The Youth & Youth Adults Sabbath School welcomes you to join us every Sabbath starting at 9:30am with breakfast, team/fellowship building activities and bible study. Please see Sean, Andrew, Tashika, Marina, and/or Blanche for more details.
Adult, Junior, and Primary Sabbath School classes also continue each Sabbath.
Select image below to be taken to our Laurelwood Sabbath School page.
We invite everyone to join us every 2nd and 4th Sabbath for our AY program. Our next AY program will confirm by our Youth leaders soon. Friends are always welcome!
Please contact our brother Andrew or our sister Melanie, if you’d like to participate or would like more information regarding our AY programs.
The Pathfinder and Adventurer Clubs meetings are held every 2nd & 4th Sabbath of the month after Sabbath service starting at 1:30pm.
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Select image below to register.
Select image below to register.
Select image below to register.
Select image below to register.