Laurelwood Seventh-day Adventist Church

Sharing Light In A Dark World.

Adventist Media Ministries




Our Mission

The Adventist Media Ministries exists to proclaim the everlasting gospel of Christ, using available channels in our time whether it's a web page on the internet or social media platform, all efforts must be made in paving the way and leading people to accept Jesus as their personal Savior and nurturing them in preparation for His soon return. 


How We Serve

Each week we share our Sabbath service to the world whether that's on our YouTube channel or Facebook Page, our goal is to be part of the great commission given by Jesus Christ himself, "...Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature." (Mark 16:15 NKJV)


Leadership & Team Development

Living in the 21st Century with the advancements of technology can have its benefits but it can also be extremely easy to lose focus on the ultimate goal, that being the spread of the gospel and our own personal spirituality. That is why all efforts and initiatives done by the Laurelwood Adventist Media Ministry leaders and team members must have Christ at its core with every action they take. This way we ensure that not only our intentions are in check but also our purpose in every step we take while serving the Media Ministry.


Achievement & Goals

This past year we have worked very diligently in upgrading not only the hardware and software we use every week, but also rebuilding and constructing strong channels for which you the viewer can reach and connect with us. These things are always easier said than done but they are possible if true passion and love for the gospel is what's driving us all.


We have a long way to go with the number of goals we'd like to achieve for this new year of 2024. With the blessing of God and the help of our viewers and local church members, we genuinely believe we can get there. And although donations are always welcomed, the leaders of the Laurelwood Media Ministries believe that hard work does pays off. That is why we'll be creating innovative fundraising events to help us get to where we'd like to be. We hope that you can be part of this movement one way or another and that you stay with us through this journey so that you too can enjoy the blessings that'll rain from above.


Technical Support

For any technical support, please click on join meeting so one of our media team members can connect with you and resolve your problem.

Laurelwood Tech Helpdesk

Meeting ID: 87955463664

Hosted by: Laurelwood SDA Church

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