Laurelwood Seventh-day Adventist Church

Sharing Light In A Dark World.

All are welcome to send in their special prayer requests. Our prayer warriors will be praying diligently for these petitions.


 "Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive them, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins."

Mark 11:24-25 NIV


Kwaku asks prayer for health.


Linda asks prayer for his husband's alcohol addiction.


Abraham asks prayer for his head injury to go away without any future problems.


Trudy asks prayers for herself and family.


Tiffany asks prayer for a new job.


David asks for prayers for his daughter so that she can recover soon from her surgery.


John asks prayers for his mother


Carolyn asks prayer for her nephew Rodney. He and his mother are going through foreclosure, and he is under extra extreme pressure.

Julia asks prayer for several of her family members who are having surgery soon, and also asks for urgent prayer for very social family members.


Kathy asks prayer for her son's father-in-law, Amber's dad had a severe heart attack, successfully received two stents and is in CCU.


Anthony asks prayers for his wife's health and strength for himself to get through.


Dominic asks prayers for himself and his everyday struggles living alone at his old age.


Joanne asks prayer for her next-door neighbor and their health.



Lorie asks prayer for her family in Denver to get close to God.


The Johnson Family asks prayer and strength from God to pass through these hard times as we all say goodbye to our beloved sister Kim Johnson.


Betsy asks prayer for her son going to college. She prays that he can find a SDA church close to his campus.


Oscar asks prayers for his brother and his family.


Heber asks prayers for Frank, a good friend and person going through health problems. That God may bless his family in all their needs.


Pete asks prayers for himself and his well-being.